Train smarter, not harder: Maximise your workouts for optimal results

Train smarter

1. Go to training with a plan

One of the best ways to train smarter is to be intentional about your training. That means making a plan. Going to the gym with a plan can help you focus on your goals, stay motivated, and make the most of your time in the gym. Before you head to the gym, take a few minutes to think about what you want to work on that day. Maybe you want to focus on a specific technique, if you are lifting weights, it could be you are going for a new PR, but irrespective of your sport/setting; having a plan in mind will help you stay focused and make your training more efficient.

2. Maximise recovery

Training hard is necessary, but it will amount to nothing without sufficient recovery. Maximising recovery through good sleep hygiene, healthy eating, and recovery protocols such as sauna and ice bath can help you train harder, longer, and more effectively. Make sure you’re getting enough rest and eating a balanced diet to support your training. Incorporating recovery practices like stretching, foam rolling, and massage can also help prevent injuries and keep the ball rolling.

3. Study

If you can’t train because you’re short on time, tired, or injured – investing time to study tape can be a great way to improve your technique and keep your mind sharp. Within the context of Jiu Jitsu, I have personally found the approach of watching fights great for improving technique. I try and watch a fight a day to see how techniques work in a live fight situation and then I’ll try zero in on the technique through instructionals. It also helps if you write notes. Note taking is an evidence-based cheat code to improving memory retention and improving the quality of your training. Note down what worked and what didn’t work and try to use the notes as a template for your next session. That way you can be more intentional with your time in the gym.

4. Know when to take a step back

In training, as in life, knowing when to take a step back is crucial for success. If you’re feeling burned out or overtrained; taking a break or modifying your training schedule can help you recover and prevent injuries. Similarly, within sessions, there is nothing worse than an athlete who keeps trying the same failed techniques to no avail. In many cases, within sessions and on a day to day basis; it might be better step back from your “rifle” to steal a phrase from Jocko Willink and look for ways to navigate the road bumps, rather than going ahead full speed and risking injury and burnout.

Training smarter, not harder, is all about maximising your efficiency, staying focused, and taking care of your body and mind. By following these four tips, you can make the most of your time in the gym and improve your skills more quickly and effectively. Train smarter not harder.



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